Kicking and Screaming
No, this is not the newest finning technique or rescue scenario but rather our first attempt at a BLOG. As you all know, the RSSC has been an official entity for almost two years now and we are coming up on our year-end report. With that in mind we figured it was time to broaden our message to the club in particular and the greater dive community in general.
This Dive BLog is intended to keep you up to date with club news and local dive events. It will also be a place where you can go back and check out the quarterly club news letter. We have lots of ideas and the BLog will evolve and adapt along with with club so check back often.
Remember that the RSSC is your club so if you have an idea burning a hole in your computer that you think would make for a great BLOG post, let us know. We have been dragged kicking and screaming into the internet world so we are damn well going to make the best of it.
Dive Safe. Have Fun. Tell Great Stories.
The RSSC Executive